Is It Better to Buy More Expensive Scratch Tickets?

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Yes, buying expensive scratch tickets do offer better odds, and they are the more appealing ones in the bunch. Its better in the sense that you stand to win more money should you be so lucky, and there are a wide variety of tickets to choose from that come in difference themes, colours and of course, prizes.

However, buying an expensive scratch ticket is not something the average player would be willing to do. This is because even though the odds are better when you pay more, it’s still not a guaranteed win, so you could lose the money in one go and have nothing to show for it. We further debate if it’s better to buy an expensive scratch ticket down below.

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Types of Scratch Tickets

There’s a host of different scratch cards for you to choose from. They not only vary in overall design but in price range too. In the USA, you get scratch cards that cost between $1 and $5. The most expensive scratch card will cost you about $20. We have not seen one that costs more than $20 yet.

Just as the price between the different scratch cards differ, so do their odds. The $20 ticket will have the best odds between the three. The $1 scratch ticket will have the worst odds. Some scratch cards have the odds of winning printed at the back of the little cardboard strip, while other developers display this information of their website.

Odds of Winning with an Expensive Scratch Ticket

Love and Kisses is an example of a $1 scratch card game. The odds of winning this particular game is 1 in 7.87. Hit $500 is $5 game and the odds of winning any money here is 1 in 6.13. The odds of winning money with a $20 ticket is reported to be 1 in 2.95. As you can see, the odds of winning are better with the higher-priced scratch ticket.